Thursday, December 31, 2015

A Bibliography for the Civil War in Siberia


Blekhman, S. "Grazhdanskaya voina v Sibiri i na Dal'nem Vostoke v zerkale filatelii (1917-1923)". Filateliya SSSR 1/1978, pp.42-50. 2/1978, pp.43-54, 10/1985, pp.35-41.
Ceresa, R.J. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923, volume 3. The Armies. Parts 3-5, Siberia, Far East and related issues. August 1983.
Ceresa, R.J. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923, volume 3. The Armies. Parts 19-21, Addenda to North Western and Northern Armies, Siberia and the FER. January/March 1991.
Ceresa, R.J. The Postage Stamps of Russia, 1917-1923, volume 3. The Armies. Parts 22-24, Addenda to issues for S.Russia, Crimea, White Armies and P.O.s etc. June 1991.
Chenakalo, F.I. "The story of the postage stamps of the Far Eastern Republic". Rossica 79, pp.19-25, 1970.
Denwirtz, K. "Postverhältnisse in Sibirien". Illustriertes Briefmarken-Journal 4, pp. 61-62, 1921.
Epstein, A. "More Siberian surprises: comments on the article by Ivo Steyn and something else" Rossica 133, pp.78-84, 1999.
"R.v.K." "Russischer Brief". Illustriertes Briefmarken-Journal 1, p. 14, 1921.
Pappadopulo, S.S. The issues of Russia-in-Asia. Shanghai, April 1923.
Pogrebetskii, A.I. Denezhnoe obrashchenie i denezhnye znaki Dalnego Vostoka za period voiny i revolyutsii, 1914-1924. Harbin, 1924.
Schirmer, Dr.W. "Die Briefmarken der Fernöstlichen Republik in den Jahren 1920-1923". Sammler Express 16/1976, pp.364-365, 17/1976, pp.392-393, 1976.
Steijn, I.J. "Some Siberian surprises". Rossica 131-132, pp.110-115, 1998-1999.
Steyn, I.J. "The postage stamps of Siberia". Rossica 111, pp. 9-23, 1988.
Steyn, I.J. "Siberian postal rates: a reconstruction". Yamshchik/The Post-Rider 25, pp. 9-16, December 1989.
Steyn, I.J. "The Blagoveshchensk issue". British Journal of Russian Philately 69, pp.22-25, September 1990.
Werbizky, G.G. "The postage stamps of Siberia - additional comments and illustrations". Rossica 115, pp. 45-53, October 1990.
Werbizky, G.G. "Siberia - new varieties". Rossica 117, pp. 39-40, October 1991.
Werbizky, G.G. "Siberia - new varieties II". Rossica 119, p. 29, October 1992.
Yudkin, V. "Pochtovye tarify v Sibiri 1919 g.". Filateliya 9, pp. 49-56, 1996.


Gutman, A.Ya. The destruction of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur. Limestone Press, 1993.
Pereira, N.G.O. White Siberia. The politics of civil war. McGill-Queen's University Press, 1996.
Smele, J.D. Civil war in Siberia. The anti-Bolshevik government of Admiral Kolchak 1918-1920. Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Smith, C.F. Vladivostok under Red and White Rule. Revolution and counterrevolution in the Russian Far East 1920-1922. University of Washington Press, 1975.
Varneck, E. & Fisher, H.H. (Eds.) The testimony of Kolchak and other Siberian materials. Stanford University Press, 1935.